- 州政府发出836份反对记录
- 民间组织共超过100份(每份要求最少100选民签署)
- 由于没有再细分,我们的保守估计是:平均700签名/份,我们至少有7万选民签署反对。
- 比起曾经发生在2003年沙巴反对划分选区的反应(351选民签署),选民给了我们很大的强心针。
- 选举委员会于2016-10-24开始在沙巴州与反对选区划分代表进行讨论与会议。
- 于2016-11-01开始将在半岛与各代表进行讨论与各会议。
The objection to the 1st Display is over and the Election Commission has received a record 836 objections from state governments, local authorities and groups of 100+ affected voters.
Though no breakdown of which category these objections came from, our estimate is at least 700 over where from groups of 100+ affected voters.
That means more than 70,000 people signed the Borang Bantahan nationwide. Compared to the total 351 received for Peninsula and Sabah at the last re-delineation exercise in 2003, this is an astounding increase in participation.
Now we are entering into the next stage of local inquiry for valid objections. The EC has already started the inquiries for Sabah on the 24th of October and is expected to start for Peninsula from the 1st of November.
We have a training programme called Delineation Drills of Spokespersons (DDOS) to help prepare spokespersons.